You can find your listings on the “Listings” page under your User’s menu.
You can save your listing as a draft by clicking “Save”.
Click “Preview” to see how your listing will look to the buyers.
When you’re done entering all the listing details and you’re happy with it, you can send the listing for review by clicking on the “Publish” button. Our administrators will review your listing and approve it if everything is OK. Otherwise, the listing will get rejected and you’ll have to address the issues outlined by the administrators before resubmitting.
Adding Variations for Your Listings
If you offer different options for an item within the same listing, you can add those options as variations.
For example, if you sell t-shirts in different sizes and colors, you can specify these options in that dress listing’s variations. Or if you’re providing services from different branches situated in different cities, you can add different variations for each branch. The possibilities are endless.
To start adding variations you need to have a published listing.
You can create a new variation type by clicking “Add Variation” from the more menu on the “Listings” page.
If this listing varies on a visible attribute, such as color, you can add photos to show that variation. Note: Drag the image to the first photo slot to use it as a thumbnail.